Wel dyma'r dydd nid yw ond gwawr

(Crist yn Frenin - Rhan III)
Wel dyma'r dydd nid yw ond gwawr
  Goleuni nawr sy'n dyfod;
Pan delo ef a'i lu i gyd,
  I gwrdd ynghyd a'i briod.

Pryd hyn y cân nefolaidd lu,
  Angylion di rifedi;
I weld yr undeb mwya erio'd,
  Nawr wedi dod i fynu.

A chlod ar glod
    di-drai ei ras,
  Ledaena ma's mor helaeth,
Nes seinio trwy holl
    entrych ne',
  Am ddyfais iechydwriaeth.

Gad in' Dywysog mawr ei fri,
  I fod a thi mewn undeb;
Ac eistedd yn dy wleddoedd bra,
  Hyd eitha tragwyddoldeb.
William Williams 1717-91
Môr o Wydr 1773

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Rhan I - Dewch ferched Seion dewch yn llu
  Rhan II - O Frenin mawr O D'wysog cun

(Christ as King - Part 3)
See here is the day that is only the dawn
  Of the light that now is coming;
When he comes with all his host,
  To meet together with his bride.

Then shall sing the heavenly host,
  Angels without number;
To see the greatest ever union,
  Now having come up.

And praise upon unebbing
    praise of his grace,
  Shall spread out so widely,
Until sounding throughout all
    the vault of heaven,
  About the scheme of salvation.

Let us, Prince of great renown,
  Be with thee in union;
And sit in thy fine feasts,
  Until the end of eternity.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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